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Honeypot & its Types

Honeypot & its Types: Honeypot is a security mechanism which records all the actions, transactions and interactions with users. They are used to track the attackers and defend the attacks. Based on their deployment types, it is classified into – Production honeypots –  Easy to use but they capture only limited information. They are placed inside production networks to improve security. Research Honeypots -Works better in gathering information about attackers. They research the threats of the organization and tries to prevent the threats. These are complex to deploy and maintain. Based on design criteria, the honeypots are classified into – Pure honeypots – Activities are monitored using the honeypot’s installed link to the network. High interaction – Multiple honeypots in a single system. More secure, difficult to detect, expensive to maintain. Low interaction – Simulate the services of attackers.

Sniffing Attacks

Sniffing Attacks:

Sniffing attack means capturing the data packets when it flows through a computer network. Packet sniffer is the device or medium used to do this sniffing attack. They are called network protocol analyzer. Unless the packets are encrypted with strong network security, any hacker might steal the data and analyze it. There are different packet sniffers such as wireshark, Dsniff, Etherpeek etc

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